As a first step, read through our useful grief resources to learn all about normal grief as well as the things you can do to help yourself through this time.

Many people find they manage their grief best by leaning on their support network of family and friends and engaging in the activities they know make them feel more peaceful such as walking or gardening. There's no right or wrong way to express yourself or your grief and your distress is not something that needs to be fixed or taken away, but as time passes it will feel more manageable.

We know that by talking, we can change the conversation about death and grief. Our Bereavement Lead, Eleanor says, “My background is as a medical doctor with experience in general practice and palliative care. While looking after patients and their families at the end of life, I have learned a lot about the complexity of human relationships, the depth of their love for one another and the inherent resilience people have.

The death of a person can be seen as the end of a journey but it is also the beginning of a long and twisting road of recovery and transformation for those loved ones left behind. In my role, as well as continuing to offer specialist support to those who need it, I would like to open up wider conversations about the normality of grief and develop different options in group and community settings to support people in their journey through grief”.

The grief response often has physical aspects, most common in the acute phase of your loss. These are all considered normal, though if they persist, talk to your GP.

If your loved one received support from any of Strathcarron teams during their illness and you now feel you need some extra support on your grief journey, you may benefit from having a conversation with our Bereavement Support Team.

There are a range of different types of support and you can explore what might suit you best. A listening ear may be just what you need. Please just call 01324 826222 and leave a message for Bereavement Support with your name, loved one's name and contact number.

Other resources you may find helpful:

Growing Around Grief

Personal Bereavement Stories

Make A Referral