Supporting Bereaved Children
Training workshops for teachers in Primary & Secondary Schools in Forth Valley & North Lanarkshire (FREE)

As part of Strathcarron’s commitment to having strong links with the community, we offer free Childhood Bereavement training to all primary and secondary schools in Forth Valley & North Lanarkshire. Workshops can be held at the school or at the hospice. The aim is to support the school to have a prepared response to supporting bereaved children and develop a bereavement policy.

Teaching and support staff are well placed to help children understand/cope better with feelings of grief, enabling them to learn from difficult life experiences such as bereavement.

For more information download the flyer

Workshop Programme Example

Resilience Project: Educating and Supporting Children around Death, Dying and Bereavement

In partnership with the Universities of Strathclyde and Edinburgh and St Francis Xavier’s RC Primary School, Falkirk, we have developed an education resource for all schools.  It consists of five lessons covering the subjects of death, loss and grief. The lessons are aimed at pupils in Primary Six or Seven (aged nine to 12 years) and address experiences and outcomes across Scotland’s Curriculum for Excellence. It was designed in response to children’s questions about death and bereavement and aims to ensure that all children have access to education about death and grief as a normal part of the lifecycle.