In Memory

Linda Hardie

25 May 1979 - 23 Aug 2020

We have set up this page in memory of the kindest, bravest and most beautiful person, both inside and out, Linda Hardie. She was the best daughter, sister, aunty, friend and true love that we could have wished for. Taken far too soon at the young age of 41, our hearts are forever broken. Our beautiful and amazing Linda was diagnosed with stage 4 bowel cancer 2 years and 10 months ago and she fought it with everything she had. She amazed the doctors with her fighting spirit and her strong desire to live. Linda had found her true love with Nick, she had a loving family and supportive friends and she wanted to beat this, she wanted to live! With no family history of cancer and no real worrying warning signs, this was the toughest battle she had ever had to face. She appreciated the support from Strathcarron Hospice on a couple of occasions, and at the end of her life. Linda passed away peacefully on the 23rd August 2020 at Strathcarron. We will continue to raise money in her memory and she will live on in our hearts.

All proceeds go to

My own fundraising event

So far your kind donations have raised

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