Here at Strathcarron, we hope all readers were able to enjoy Christmas in whatever way suited you best. Many people will have sadly seen last minute changes to plans due to isolation, we wish anyone affected a speedy recovery.

During the festive period we have continued to care for people who need us and, in particular, the Hospice@Home team have enabled families to be together for a last Christmas with loved ones. In recognition of this we would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who participated in the recent Santa Dash and who have collectively funded all our services on Christmas Day.

Now that the mince pies are finished for another year you might be considering what you can do in 2022 to blow the cobwebs away and make better the indulgences of the season. If you would like to support the cost of Hospice care whilst achieving your fitness goals please sign up now to take part in '5k per day, Your Way'. Walk, run, cycle or swim this virtual challenge. Be part of the team and aim to raise £218 which is the amount needed daily when we opened our doors 40 years ago. In today's terms the running costs are now over £14,000 every day of the year. Visit today to be part of this challenge.

Finally, we wish every reader a peaceful and happy new year.