On this day, Sunday 30th May 2021, all our services in the Hospice and across the local community are being paid for by Falkirk Junior Bike Club.

From April 2020 - April 2021, Falkirk Junior Bike Club has raised money for Strathcarron Hospice by organising two 12 hour virtual cycle relays which took place on the last Sunday of April in 2020 and 2021. This year over 70 children from the Club took part covering an incredible 1250 miles as a team raising more than £18,000 for our work.

Falkirk Junior Bike Club is a cycling club based in Falkirk supporting and encouraging young people to live active and healthy lifestyles through cycling.

Graham McQueen, Fundraising Officer at FJBC said, "we wanted to support Strathcarron Hospice as we recognise the essential work and support Strathcarron gives the local community and it is a charity very close to the heart of a lot of the children and families involved with the club."

Sunday 30th May also marks the start of Bike Week 2021, an annual celebration run by Cycling UK to showcase cycling. This year's theme is health and wellbeing and we couldn't think of a better way to mark this date. 

Jackie Johnston, Fundraising Manager, said: “Due to current restrictions, the hospice fundraising team is unable to run the more traditional fundraising events and are heavily reliant on upon the public taking on their own challenges to raise vital funds.

“Falkirk Junior Bike Club, and their supporters, have gone above and beyond with their efforts and we have been delighted to have the support of these young people.

This wonderful donation will go directly to providing care for patients in the hospice and people in their own homes that we care for. The whole team at Strathcarron is beyond delighted with the club's support.”