Could you take on an epic fundraising task like avid golfer Archie Mackay to help the patients and families of Strathcarron Hospice?


Archie has set himself a mammoth challenge to play 110 holes of golf in one day to raise funds for Strathcarron in memory of his father in law who spent time here last year.


Archie says: “The date is the first anniversary of my late father-in-law’s admission to Strathcarron Hospice. While there he received the most compassionate end of life care from a wonderful and dedicated team who were very supportive to our family.


“The golf marathon challenge is my way of saying thanks. My target in 1984 was £2000 and we more than doubled it. My target, 40 years on and with arthritis in my right knee, is to be able to walk at the end!


“I hope friends, relatives, fellow golfers around the world and kindred spirits everywhere will support me. 10p per hole is £11 but you can donate as much as you want.


“Every penny raised will go straight to Strathcarron Hospice via the link to their funding page. Remember too if you pay tax you can boost your donation through Gift Aid.”


Archie will undertake six rounds and two holes in aid of the Hospice on 21 June at Glenbervie Golf Club, with his son, friends and other club members partnering on some of the holes.

Fancy taking on your own challenge? Get great fundraising ideas and information here: Fundraising involvement | Strathcarron Hospice

If you would like to donate to Archie’s fundraising visit: 

 Archie's Golf Challenge-
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