In 2018 Stuart’s mum, Brenda, was nursed for 7 nights in Strathcarron Hospice receiving end of life care. The care the staff took was outstanding and they allowed us to set up camp in their waiting area where there were always members of family simply spending time with each other and making sure Brenda always had a hand to hold.

Strathcarron provides palliative care, respite, day centres and community care. This vital service needs around £15,000 per day to continue.

We know that Brenda would absolutely love Elizabeth and Alexander. They know her as granny and we wanted them to be part of this family challenge. Stuart is going to run the full marathon, Katharine will run/ walk/ waddle the half and the two wee pals will run the kids kilometre!

Please support us in anyway you can. We appreciate it and are ready to take on this challenge as a family! Stuart Turnbull