The Hospice bids a fond farewell to our Information and IT Manager Mari as she retires after 22 years of service.

Mari joined us from Falkirk Royal Infirmary as a Clinical Effectiveness Co-ordinator before working her way up to her managerial role.

During her time, the Hospice has also bought, designed and implemented many different systems, databases and website changes facilitating moving from manual to electronic transfers of information in all areas - our fundraising software, electronic point of sale systems for our shops and a full electronic patient records.

All this has benefitted the experience of care that patients, families and staff receive.

Mari has logged off at the Hospice for the last time to spend time with her new grandchild and enjoy time in her garden.

Mari said: “When I joined the Hospice everything was paper based with a couple of PCs and we had a hand built server - so there have been huge changes in my time here as now we manage a large number of devices. There has been a huge change in the way we worked then to now and the automation of our data.

“I will miss the people – past and present – most about the job. The staff here are just really nice people. I have become very fond of my colleagues and it is a lovely setting to work in. I have always felt really supported and been given opportunities to train and develop and this job has been really interesting and diverse.

“The ways we have been able to directly help patients have been highlights. From introducing virtual reality headsets, retrieving a deleted voice note recording memory keepsake for a woman’s husband, to setting up a projector and screen for a date night for a young couple in our conservatory – when we can help use our IT skills in these ways it feels lovey to be part of and make a difference to a patient’s life at that time.

“Working in a Pandemic was a huge challenge. Staff working from home had to have equipment a way of accessing files remotely. We also had video conferencing facilities, but there were many training sessions supporting care homes, meetings which had to be held online. We had to work fast to add mobile data solutions and eventually upgrade to fibre, allowing us to have multiple video conferences simultaneously, without the day to day business of the hospice being disturbed. “It was busy time, but as challenging as it was, my hospice colleagues, our NHS partners and external providers came together with a sense of purpose which was uplifting and every difference we made was so gratifying. “I have been lucky enough to have worked with amazingly talented, fun, supportive and compassionate people”.

Irene McKie, CEO of Strathcarron Hospice, said: "Mari has been an absolute fountain of knowledge of all things IT during her time here and she has never lost sight of what it is all about which has been patient care. She likes a challenge and has been a wonderful asset to the Hospice.


"She has always had the best interests of the Hospice at heart and has led the way in tech in the Hospice sector in Scotland. We will miss her dearly and wish her well in her retirement."

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