Catchment Area

We provide In-patient, Day Hospice, Community-based and Out-patients services to people living in Stirlingshire, Falkirk, Clackmannanshire, Cumbernauld and Kilsyth.  Every year we look after 1,100 patients as well as their family and carers.

If you have an enquiry about any of our Hospice services or would like to discuss whether a referral is appropriate, please contact our Admissions Team on 01324 826222.


We accept referrals from GPs, Hospital Consultants, Clinical Nurse Specialists and District Nurses. Patients must be 16 years old or over, with any progressive life-limiting illness and most often are thought to be in the last year of life.

Reasons for referral can include

  • Pain and/or symptom control
  • Rehabilitation – to improve functional ability and daily living as well as to increase resilience of patient and/or their family
  • Advance care planning and end-of-life care

Referrals are accepted on the basis of need not diagnosis.

Assessment of need

In order to triage patients appropriately it is helpful if the referrer can provide current clinical details as well as  indicate the particular needs of the patient and their expectations of how hospice services can support them.

If it is unclear whether the Hospice is the most appropriate service for a particular need, then we will contact the referrer to discuss this. For example a referral to the chronic pain team or psychology services may be more appropriate.