Support us As a business or group Fundraising Groups Contact us We have a variety of Fundraising Groups associated with the Hospice, including our Friends of Strathcarron, who come together to have fun and raise vital funds for the Hospice at the same time. These groups can be made up of friends, family, colleagues, neighbours all coming together and giving up some of their time to help fundraise for the Hospice. Our Fundraising Groups raise money in a variety of ways: by organising their own events or supporting Hospice run events and campaigns. Some of these volunteers also act as representatives for the Hospice, fulfilling requests for local cheque presentations and talks about the Hospice in their own area. “Do as much or as little as you want, it all helps” Friends of Strathcarron Some Fundraising groups organise one event every year, others have a calendar of different events scheduled in advance. Every contribution is equally valued and makes a real difference to local people. Each of our fundraising groups is unique: made up of different people from different communities and they help us to reach more people across Forth Valley, Cumbernauld & Kilsyth to raise awareness and support for Strathcarron Hospice. Some Fundraising groups take on formal roles with a Chairperson, Treasurer & Secretary; this is not always necessary and our Fundraising Team will happily discuss different formats which might suit. If you would like to help and can spare a few hours here and there please get in touch either by email to [email protected] or by calling 01324 826222 and we can put you in touch with your local fundraising group. Manage Cookie Preferences