This November is the Centenary of the end of the First World War, and Acts of Remembrance will take place this month to honour those who died and to ensure that they are never forgotten.  Here at Strathcarron Hospice, we know that when a loved one dies they too will never be forgotten by their families, but the experience of personal loss can lead to bewildering feelings and deep distress. We recognise that we all grieve differently, and many people choose to manage their grief naturally, with the support of family and friends, but for others grief might feel overwhelming, or it may be the case that they simply don’t have anyone to support them.

At Strathcarron, our adult bereavement service provides support for family members while they learn to adjust to their loss and begin to find a new sense of normal and hope in life and you can find useful links to information and support here.

We also run small, facilitated groups that offer the opportunity to talk with others who have been similarly bereaved, or alternatively we provide one to one sessions which offer support, someone to listen and a chance to work through difficult feelings and emotions. Strathcarron Hospice, with funding from Children in Need, also runs support groups for children aged 6 – 18 who have been affected by loss, grief and change when someone who is special to them has died.

Our overall aim is to encourage people to recover a sense of resilience so that they can move forward with comfortable memories. In the words of Emily Dickinson ‘Unable are the loved to die, for love is immortality’.