Together we support people and their families across Forth Valley, Cumbernauld and Kilsyth living with life-limiting conditions to live and die well.
Because every moment counts.

80% of patients are cared for out with the Hospice building, as is their wish.

How we can help About us

Live Your Life Team

Are you living with, or caring for someone, with a life limiting illness?

Many people believe hospice care is about dying, but at Strathcarron Hospice, we believe it’s also all about living your life well.
We aim to help you or your loved one live a fulfilling life for as long as possible.

We can help you navigate uncertainty, chat through challenges and together find ways for you to get on with living your life.

Tel: 01324 827383 A direct line to Strathcarron Hospice.
All the support we offer is free and phone line is open 10am-4pm Monday to Friday.

Speak to our Team


We provide specialist care and support to 1,380 people living with and dying from a life limiting illness, making 8,479 patient visits across our local communities annually.


We care for 325 patients with complex needs in our inpatient unit and 21% of patients were successfully discharged to go home.


We need to raise £16,637 every single day to keep our vital services running.

Why support us?

We want excellent palliative care and expertise to benefit as many people across our communities as possible.

There are 4,000 deaths in our local areas every year, and we have just 24 beds in our In Patient Unit. Last year our team carried out 8294 visits to people across our local communities, as we now support more patients at the very end of life through Hospice@Home than in the Hospice itself.

With only one third of our hospice funded by the Government, we are incredibly grateful to our generous supporters who make up the significant shortfall. Without these generous ongoing donations, we just could not continue delivering our valuable services free of charge.
Thank you.

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More ways to help us

  • Fundraise for us

    There are lots of ways you can get involved and help to raise vital funds in support of our Hospice services. Whether as an individual, family, community group, business or school we truly value your help and support. Read more

  • Donate furniture and other items

    We take pride in our Hospice Shops, which offer a wide range of new and quality used goods, furniture and electrical items, to help us raise vital funds for the Hospice Read more

  • Volunteer for us

    Our wonderfully enthusiastic volunteers donate their time in so many incredible ways – from volunteering in our shops, to managing our reception, to offering comfort and support to patients and their families. Read more

Our stories

  • Jill's Story

    Richard was in Strathcarron for 10 days on his first visit; receiving pain management. He was happy to go to the Hospice, to meet the staff and get to know the place, just in case he needed to go back in again at end of life. The nurses and consultants explained everything to us, we felt like we could ask any question, it was so reassuring. His wife Jill tells their story for Hospice Care Week. Read more

  • Emma and Christopher's Story

    25th September 2023, was the first anniversary of the death of Elizabeth Coupe, mother to Emma and Christopher and wife to Peter Coupe. Elizabeth was 70 years old and had lived with MND for 18 months. She was supported at home by Creative Homecare before she died peacefully, in Strathcarron Hospice, which is where she wanted to be. Read more

  • Jim's Story

    What do Strathcarron Compassionate communities do? They connect people. Their work in community development is a natural and logistical extension to what we do. Supporting people to have as good a life as possible until the very end, & to have as good a death as possible. Normalising death & dying & early involvement with palliative care improves lives. Jim has a progressive spinal condition, paralysed from the knee down. He's struggled with his mental & physical health. Read his story Read more

Our stories (news)

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